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How to reduce enormous GIMP (XCF) file size for simple photo correction
When you save the file as XCF, ie GIMP's native file format, it is an uncompressed format, so the file size will be much bigger than a JPEG. The same thing happens if you open a JPEG in Photoshop, and save as a PSD (ie Photoshop's native file format). For example, I open this JPEG in Photoshop shown below. The file size is 109kb.

How to import a group of layers from a XCF to another XCF in GIMP?
Open both XCF files. In the XCF with the layer group, click and drag the layer group from the layers panel onto the other image tab along the top (do not release the mouse button). When the other document window opens, drop the layer group onto the image window.

How to create mock ups in GIMP using templates like PSD in Photoshop ...
Yes. GIMP's native file format is XCF. It's the format you should use to save your original work for future editability (whether it's being used as a template or not). It's a lossless format, and it preserves all layers, and editable text layers. Although GIMP also supports PSD to some degree, you should use XCF for full compatibility with GIMP.

Export a PSD Photoshop file to a format editable in GIMP
But you could replace those text layers in GIMP with editable text layers. This would obviously mean retyping them or copy and pasting the text from Photoshop into GIMP, reformatting the font/font size/line spacing/kerning etc, and repositioning, then you could delete the rasterised text layers, and save the finished file as XCF.

Is there websites where I can get XCF resources for GIMP (similar to ...
I don't know of any stock image sites that offer native GIMP XCF files, probably because Photoshop doesn't support the format at all. However most existing stock image sites have a plethora of images in other formats that GIMP can open. If you are reliant on PSD mockups which use smart objects or layer styles, then these won't open properly in ...

after saving a png/jpg and after that pressing X to exit, why does GIMP ...
GIMP decompresses the image so it can be viewed and edited in GIMP. When you then export as JPEG/PNG, GIMP recompresses the images for that format, When you then close the application, GIMP asks if you want to save the uncompressed XCF which is GIMP's native file format, just in case you need it in the future.

PNG export from Gimp not keeping tranparency [duplicate]
Saved as .xcf file. Exported as PNG (tried various format settings) Reopen PNG in Gimp or other software --> Background is always white, no transparency. Added a transparent layer behind my main image. Re-exported as PNG. (Optionally) tried changing "Lock alpha channel" on both layers.

Gimp: How to export images at a specific dimensional size
Next, with the XCF file open, rescale the document to the required dimensions. Then export as JPEG or PNG (or whatever format you want). Finally, close the XCF file without saving. The original won't be overwritten, and when you open the XCF, it will be the original size that you saved it at.

Gimp: how to combine two images side-by-side
Say we save it to file1.xcf. Expand the canvas. Go to the menu Image, next Canvas size. You can now expand the canvas in the direction you like. Make sure there is enough space for both file1 and file2. If afterwards it turns out the canvas was not big enough you can always make it bigger so that both images fit.

How to copy a layer group to another image in GIMP?
Save the original image with the layer group as an xcf. In the new image, and open the original as layers (File > Open as Layers). This will add all of the layers from the original image. You'll need to delete the layers from the new image that you don't want. Unfortunately you can't pick/choose what layers you import.



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